The Holy-Grail Formula For Primes Generation
Students at the University of Buenos Aires have published a very-short paper this month (November, 2020) providing an astonishing formula to generate all primes - in sequence. This has been the Holy Grail in Number Theory: is there a way to generate all the prime numbers one by one with a deterministic formula? The students have proved that there is. Their paper is here: 2010.15882.pdf ( The formula is actually very simple. Here it is: And F1 should be a constant which "magically" is F1 = 2.9200509773161350318170795639 This constant is being called now the "Buenos Aires Prime Constant". The only problem is how to find this constant without knowing a priori all the primes. This is the current open problem. If someone can extend this constant to a very-very-very large number of decimal points, the problem of primes generation will be solved. With the current one, though, it is good enough to generate few primes, in order. The code below (using Miller-Rabin ...