Last one of 2023, with a HashTable
For the last one in 2023, a medium-level but actually simple with a brute-force in N^2 (N=50) and use of a HashTable to keep track of the count per special string. Code is down below, Happy New Year! ACC Find Longest Special Substring That Occurs Thrice I - LeetCode 2981. Find Longest Special Substring That Occurs Thrice I Medium 50 2 Add to List Share You are given a string s that consists of lowercase English letters. A string is called special if it is made up of only a single character. For example, the string "abc" is not special, whereas the strings "ddd" , "zz" , and "f" are special. Return the length of the longest special substring of s which occurs at least thrice , or -1 if no special substring occurs at least thrice . A substring is a contiguous non-empty sequence of characters within a string. Example 1: Input: s = "aaaa" Ou...