Follow the hints! - Part 4
Not a hard problem but it requires a bit of focus on the details of the calculations. The hints really helped here. Code is down below, cheers, ACC. Minimum Equal Sum of Two Arrays After Replacing Zeros - LeetCode 2918. Minimum Equal Sum of Two Arrays After Replacing Zeros Medium 65 12 Add to List Share You are given two arrays nums1 and nums2 consisting of positive integers. You have to replace all the 0 's in both arrays with strictly positive integers such that the sum of elements of both arrays becomes equal . Return the minimum equal sum you can obtain, or -1 if it is impossible . Example 1: Input: nums1 = [3,2,0,1,0], nums2 = [6,5,0] Output: 12 Explanation: We can replace 0's in the following way: - Replace the two 0's in nums1 with the values 2 and 4. The resulting array is nums1 = [3,2,2,1,4]. - Replace the 0 in nums2 with the value 1. The resulting array is nums2 = [6,5,1]. ...