Is this number a perfect square?

When solving an algorithm problem, the size of the input will likely dictate the approach to be taken to solve it. For the following problem: "determine whether the number N is a perfect where N is <= 1,000,000. You can't use the SQRT operator", you can solve it by writing a simple O(N) loop. However, if the problem statement has N equals to this number:


Then it is a different matter altogether. Such a problem should automatically trigger the most common time-complexities and their relationships:

O(1) < O(lgN) < O(lgN*lgN) < O(sqrt(N)) < O(N) < O(N*lgN) < O(N*N)

We know that O(N) won't work for the above input, hence we need to evaluate the other options less than O(N). O(sqrt(N)) won't work either as the square root of such a big number will remain a big, intractable number (intractable from a Big-O standpoint). This post will solve this problem using a O(lgN) algorithm. That would be suitable for our input size. I did not count how many digits there are in N, but let's suppose that it contains 1,000,000 digits (which it doesn't), in this case lg(10^1,000,000) ~= 4,000,000. Hence to solve the problem we'd need a for-loop with 4,000,000 iterations. Runs in a blink of an eye.

The most common O(lgN) algorithm is a binary search whereas on each iteration of the algorithm we cut the search space by half (remember that the notation "lgN" refers to the logarithm of N on base 2, whereas "logN" refers to the logarithm of N on base e, and logK(N) is the logarithm of N on base K). To solve the problem using binary search, we first find the lower and upper bounds for the search. We can do that by finding two perfect squares, one before N and one after N, relatively close together. That operation takes O(lgN). Next comes the binary search itself. We cut down the search by half at each step, and at the end either we'll find the square root of N, or the lower boundary will cross the upper boundary, we halt, and the number is not a perfect square. We make use of the BigInteger C# class for convenience. Here is the code:

        public static bool IsPerfectSquareBS(BigInteger n,
                                             ref BigInteger sqr)
            sqr = -1;
            if (n < 0)
                return false;
            else if(n == 0 || n == 1)
                sqr = n;
                return true;
            //Find the lower and upper limits
            BigInteger lower = 1;
            BigInteger upper = 2;
            while(n < (lower * lower) || n > (upper * upper))
                lower = upper;
                upper *= upper;
            //Binary search
            while (lower + 1 < upper)
                BigInteger mid = (lower + upper) / 2;
                BigInteger midSq = mid * mid;
                if (midSq == n)
                    sqr = mid;
                    return true;
                else if (midSq > n)
                    upper = mid;
                    lower = mid;
            return false;
The answer to the original problem is yes, that number is a perfect square, and its square root is this one:



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