The Dancing Men

In 1903, in southern London, a serial killer was on the loose, with already five murder cases confirmed and attributed to the perpetrator. Police wasn’t getting any closer to stopping him, or her. The serial killer was codenamed “The Dancing Killer” for the simple fact that he (or she) used to leave funny encoded notes depicting a set of “dancing men” by their victims’ bodies. No one was able to decipher those messages. After the killer’s last attack, the following message was recovered:

A brilliant detective was actually able to crack down this last message, leading to the apprehension of the assassin. In 1903 there was no computers around. Thankfully, that’s no longer the case. We can solve this puzzle with computers now, and that’s what this post is about.

We can start by assuming the symbols in the note map to English letters, which would be the simplest mapping possible. We can also assume that the “flags” in the dancing men’s hands are non-interesting artifacts (a huge assumption, but just bare with me for now), so we’ll ignore them.
The approach will be a brute-force DFS (Depth-First Search) with massive branches pruning based on a dictionary tri. We’ll first map the encoded message to a computer-understandable format, such as the following:


The format #number maps to each distinct dancing man in the note. To build a tri, we’ll use one of the available English dictionaries on the web. We’ll build the tri by going to each word and adding to a hash-table all the substrings of that word. Some substrings will be valid words. Others won’t, but at least we’ll know that it is a prefix that can lead to a valid word. For example, suppose that the word in the dictionary is “Love”. We’ll add the following to the hash-table:

L à prefix
Lo à prefix
Lov à prefix
Love à word

That way, to prune down the search space, we always check to see if the current partial word is either a valid prefix or a valid word. If none of these conditions are met, there is no need to continue the search thru that path of the tree.
With the tri built, the DFS is a standard one where we keep track of all the mappings and make use of some minor optimizations along the way. When you run the code, which is down below, there will be a number of different and valid mappings for the encoded message, such as: “ear be check he to feet tv is on”. Non-sense, and most of the decoded strings will be like that. Hence, there is a need for a post-process of all the decoded strings generated to really find the real one. It turns out that looking for names of people in the messages filters them down to just a few, and some of them stand out, such as:

elsie prepare to meet thy box
elsie prepare to meet thy dog
elsie prepare to meet thy god
elsie prepare to meet thy job

In particular the third one. Indeed, the message was a reference to the next victim, Elsie. Police was able to setup a trap and caught the killer. The detective who decrypted the message was Sherlock Holmes. Took him less than 5min. He used frequency analysis and the fact that the flags are actually word breakers... And here is the code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
namespace TheDancingMen
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Reading data and preparing the tri
            if (args.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: TheDancingMen.exe <dictionary text file> <encoded message text file>");
            string dictionaryFile = args[0];
            string encodedMessageFile = args[1];
            FileInfo fiEncodedMessageFile = new FileInfo(encodedMessageFile);
            StreamReader srEncodedMessageFile = fiEncodedMessageFile.OpenText();
            string encodedMessage = srEncodedMessageFile.ReadToEnd();
            if (srEncodedMessageFile != null)
            //Main logic
            string[] encodedMessageParts = encodedMessage.Split(new char[] { '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            Hashtable htLettersUsedForMapping = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable htEncodedCharToLetter = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable htPhrasesUsed = new Hashtable();
        static void Process(string[] encodedMessageParts,
                            int currentIndex,
                            string currentDecodedWord,
                            string currentDecodedPhrase,
                            Hashtable htLettersUsedForMapping,
                            Hashtable htEncodedCharToLetter,
                            Hashtable htPhrasesUsed,
                            int actualNumberOfCharsInDecodedMessage)
            if (currentIndex >= encodedMessageParts.Length)
                if (actualNumberOfCharsInDecodedMessage == encodedMessageParts.Length &&
                    htPhrasesUsed.Add(currentDecodedPhrase, true);
                    Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", currentDecodedPhrase);
            if (htEncodedCharToLetter.ContainsKey(encodedMessageParts[currentIndex]))
                string newDecodedWord = currentDecodedWord + ((char)htEncodedCharToLetter[encodedMessageParts[currentIndex]]).ToString();
                if (Util.htWordsTri.ContainsKey(newDecodedWord))
                    if ((bool)Util.htWordsTri[newDecodedWord] &&
                        newDecodedWord.Length > 1) //Valid word found
                                currentIndex + 1,
                                currentDecodedPhrase + " " + newDecodedWord,
                                actualNumberOfCharsInDecodedMessage + newDecodedWord.Length);
                    //And in both cases (valid word or not), since the partial word is in the tri, proceed
                            currentIndex + 1,
                for(char letter = 'a';letter <= 'z';letter++)
                    if (!htLettersUsedForMapping.ContainsKey(letter))
                        htLettersUsedForMapping.Add(letter, true);
                        htEncodedCharToLetter.Add(encodedMessageParts[currentIndex], letter);
                        string newDecodedWord = currentDecodedWord + letter.ToString();
                        if (Util.htWordsTri.ContainsKey(newDecodedWord))
                            if ((bool)Util.htWordsTri[newDecodedWord] &&
                                newDecodedWord.Length > 1) //Valid word found
                                        currentIndex + 1,
                                        currentDecodedPhrase + " " + newDecodedWord,
                                        actualNumberOfCharsInDecodedMessage + newDecodedWord.Length);
                            //And in both cases (valid word or not), since the partial word is in the tri, proceed
                                    currentIndex + 1,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;

namespace TheDancingMen
    class Util
        public static Hashtable htWordsTri = null;
        public static int maxWordLength = 0;

        public static void BuildTriFromDictionary(string dictionaryFile)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dictionaryFile) ||
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to read dictionary file: '{0}'. Please check that the file exists.", dictionaryFile);

            FileInfo fiDictionary = new FileInfo(dictionaryFile);
            StreamReader srDictionary = fiDictionary.OpenText();
            htWordsTri = new Hashtable();
            Random rd = new Random();
            int numberOfWords = 0;

            while (!srDictionary.EndOfStream)
                string word = srDictionary.ReadLine().ToLower().Trim();

                if(word.Length > maxWordLength)
                    maxWordLength = word.Length;

                //Add it to the tri
                for (int i = 1; i <= word.Length; i++)
                    string triEntry = word.Substring(0, i);

                    if (htWordsTri.ContainsKey(triEntry))
                        if (i == word.Length)
                            htWordsTri[triEntry] = true;
                        htWordsTri.Add(triEntry, i == word.Length);

                if (rd.Next(0, 10000) < 1) //Probability: 1/10000 * 100%
                    Console.WriteLine("Processed: {0} words, {1} tri entries", numberOfWords, htWordsTri.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Total: {0} words, {1} tri entries", numberOfWords, htWordsTri.Count);

            if (srDictionary != null)


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