The one gap in technical interviews!

I've been doing interviews at Microsoft for over 15 years now. When I looked at the system that tracks all the interviews that I'd participated in, I counted at least 500. First, let me make something clear: interviewing a ton of candidates does not make you into a great candidate yourself. If you look at my own performance as a candidate, looks pretty average: 6 attempts, 3 hires, 3 no-hires. I guess I'm one of those who feel way more comfortable on one side of the table than the other.
I believe that in a good interview process, not only the candidate is learning along the way, but so is the interviewer. I love open discussions with candidates about technical problems, and it is very rewarding to me to discuss different technical ideas with folks who bring to the table different perspectives.
Some other day I read an article that gave me an instant epiphany with regard to something so obvious that I have ignored in all those years interviewing candidates. As you may know, most of the technical interviews is about asking the candidate to write: either a code, algorithm, design, etc. Which I must say is unquestionably important.
However, when you join a massive company like Facebook or Amazon or Microsoft, in the beginning you won't spend the majority of your time writing code - what you'll actually do is read code. No one will ask you to write a mergesort, or a trie class, or design the classes from the get-go. 80% of your time will be spent reading code. That was an eye-opening to me - so obvious and yet, most of the interviewers out there (like I was) are obsessed with writing skills, but not reading.
Recently I started applying this technique, and it was great, felt really much more pragmatic than before - and indeed, reading, understanding and modifying somebody else's code requires a different set of abilities, great abstraction skills, and (above all), focus. And patience :)
Even like simple reading questions can lead to very interesting, deep technical conversations, ones that are much more likely to happen in real life. I recently asked a candidate to read, comprehend, and propose extensions and improvements to the code down below:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace CodeReadingInterview {
 class Program {
  static void Main(string[] args) {
   string[] array1 = {
    "interview", "coding", "computer science", "carnegie", "mellon", "microsoft"
   string[] array2 = {
    "questions", "interview", "science", "redmond", "weather", "microsoft"
   string[] array3 = {
    "interview", "microsoft", "bing", "arts", "internet", "computers"

   int n = 6;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
     if (array1[i] == array2[j]) {
      for (int z = 0; z < n; z++) {
       if (array1[i] == array3[z]) {

What does this code do? What's its time complexity? Can it be reduced to O(nlogn)? Can it be reduced to O(n)? What did you like about this code? What didn't you like? What would have made the comprehension process easier/faster? What suggestions would you make to it? Did you find any bugs? How would you fix these bugs? And so on so forth.

Moral of the story: if you're interviewing a candidate, sure: continue to ask writing questions, but also balance the interview loop out with code-reading questions too.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!



  1. Thanks Marcelo for another great article. It's indeed amazing that despite such a small proportion of engineering time being devoted to writing, I have never being asked a reading question on any of the numerous ones I had (including all tech giants like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Amazon and a lot more).
    I believe that reading questions are extremely useful and:
    - they are great starter questions. Usually candidates have anxiety before and at the beginning of the interview and it's essential for interviewer to make them more comfortable and relaxed in order to unblock them. Usually simple questions about a candidate experience, passion and similar are used to achieve this, but I believe that questions like mentioned in the post could also be used for a similar purpose, since candidates already have something to look and comment on.
    - even seemingly simple algorithms (like the one in the post) allow to explore lots of trade-offs and design choices. For instance, if mutation of the inputs is allowed it's possible to not use any extra space, sort them in-place and use binary search (interviewer can ask more questions about binary search and D&Q algorithms in general) to find the results in O(n log n) time and O(1) space, or use a extra O(n) space for hash table with inverted index to reduce time complexity to linear, or if the input is constant (6 elements in this case), then even brute-force algorithm (which looks like O(n^3)) is acceptable if the time-to-market is more important. Every single data structure or design technique could lead to other interesting questions, which allow to quickly estimate the breadth of the candidate knowledge and ability to consciously trade time and memory.
    - they can show how detail oriented a candidate is and ability to compensate its lack with usage of testing techniques (equivalence classes, edge cases, etc) and rigorous proving techniques (preconditions, post-conditions, invariants)

    Also, despite being called "science" computer science is unfortunately far from being real science and most of the things that engineers have to deal with daily is still subjective and relies on their "taste" and "sound judgement". As with normal writing, people are learning from reading other texts and developing a sense of taste which guides authors and combined with their own experience helps to produce amazing results.

    As such people who read a lot of code written by others are usually better at these kinds of interview questions, and also most of the time better engineers, since they are familiar with different styles, paradigms and trade-offs.

    Anyways, thanks again Marcelo for bringing this up and I hope that interviewers who read your post will at least consider this technique.


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