Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes

Love problems like this one:

Given a Binary Search Tree (BST) with the root node root, return the minimum difference between the values of any two different nodes in the tree.
Example :
Input: root = [4,2,6,1,3,null,null]
Output: 1
Note that root is a TreeNode object, not an array.

The given tree [4,2,6,1,3,null,null] is represented by the following diagram:

        /   \
      2      6
     / \    
    1   3  

while the minimum difference in this tree is 1, it occurs between node 1 and node 2, also between node 3 and node 2.
  1. The size of the BST will be between 2 and 100.
  2. The BST is always valid, each node's value is an integer, and each node's value is different.
The key here is to remember that in a Binary Search Tree, the elements are sorted when you traverse it using in-order traversal. With this information in mind, it becomes trivial: in-order traversal keeping track of the min diff. Some usage of "long" just to avoid corner cases. Code is below, thanks, Marcelo.

public class Solution
 public int MinDiffInBST(TreeNode root)
  long previousVal = Int64.MinValue;
  long minDiff = Int64.MaxValue;
  _MinDiffInBST(root, ref previousVal, ref minDiff);
  return (int)minDiff;

 public void _MinDiffInBST(TreeNode node,
        ref long previousVal,
        ref long minDiff)
  if (node == null) return;
  _MinDiffInBST(node.left, ref previousVal, ref minDiff);
  minDiff = (previousVal != Int64.MinValue) ? Math.Min(minDiff, node.val - previousVal) : minDiff;
  previousVal = node.val;
  _MinDiffInBST(node.right, ref previousVal, ref minDiff);


  1. Very nice! Another great thing about Python for lazy people like me is that I never have to think about longs :)

    class Solution:
    def minDiffInBST(self, root):
    state = [None, 10 ** 9]

    def helper(node):
    if not node:
    prev, min_diff = state
    if prev:
    min_diff = min(min_diff, node.val - prev)
    state[0], state[1] = node.val, min_diff

    return state[1]


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