
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Holy-Grail Formula For Primes Generation

Students at the University of Buenos Aires have published a very-short paper this month (November, 2020) providing an astonishing formula to generate all primes - in sequence. This has been the Holy Grail in Number Theory: is there a way to generate all the prime numbers one by one with a deterministic formula? The students have proved that there is. Their paper is here:  2010.15882.pdf ( The formula is actually very simple. Here it is: And F1 should be a constant which "magically" is F1 = 2.9200509773161350318170795639 This constant is being called now the "Buenos Aires Prime Constant". The only problem is how to find this constant without knowing a priori all the primes. This is the current open problem. If someone can extend this constant to a very-very-very large number of decimal points, the problem of primes generation will be solved. With the current one, though, it is good enough to generate few primes, in order. The code below (using Miller-Rabin ...

Changing the root of a binary tree

If you work with graphics and eventually you want to pivot a binary tree using a different node as the root, this might be interesting to you. Here is the problem:  Change the Root of a Binary Tree - LeetCode 1666. Change the Root of a Binary Tree Medium 6 14 Add to List Share Given the  root  of a binary tree and a  leaf  node, reroot the tree so that the  leaf  is the new root. You can reroot the tree with the following steps for each node  cur  on the path  starting from the  leaf  up to the  root ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹  excluding the root : If  cur  has a left child, then that child becomes  cur 's right child. Note that it is guaranteed that  cur  will have at most one child. cur 's original parent becomes  cur 's left child. Return  the new root  of the rerooted tree. Note:  Ensure that your solution sets the  Node.parent  pointers correctly after rerooting or you will re...

Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero

Problem is here:  Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero - LeetCode From the get-go, the main technique to be used here will be a BFS (Breadth-First-Search). No need to use weights, Dijkstra. Simple BFS should do it. The one, and very important point to bare in mind: when the bug lands on a position P, it does not mean that the bug can never land on P again. Remember that the bug might have come from a forward move, or might have come from a backwards move, and these are distinct, hence when you determine the key to mark P as visited, you actually have two distinct keys: P + ForwardMove P + BackwardsMove Doing so is the key to solving it. Code is down below, cheers, ACC. public class QueueItem { public int position; public bool forwardMove; public int steps; public int key; public QueueItem(int position, bool forwardMove, int steps) { this.position = position; this.forwardMove = forwardMove; this.steps = steps; this.key = pos...

Post Number 400: BFS + DFS

This is my post number #400. I think I have this idea that when I retire I'm going to read all this shit... Illusion...  In any case, here is the problem:  Correct a Binary Tree - LeetCode 1660. Correct a Binary Tree Medium 13 2 Add to List Share You have a binary tree with a small defect. There is  exactly one  invalid node where its right child incorrectly points to another node at the  same depth  but to the  invalid node's right . Given the root of the binary tree with this defect,  root , return  the root of the binary tree after  removing  this invalid node  and every node underneath it  (minus the node it incorrectly points to). Custom testing: The test input is read as 3 lines: TreeNode root int fromNode  ( not available to  correctBinaryTree ) int toNode  ( not available to  correctBinaryTree ) After the binary tree rooted at  root  is parsed, the  TreeNode  with value ...

Sometimes it is easier to solve the inverse of the problem

I thought this problem was very tricky - I had to read the hints and even spy at some comments to see how to tackle it: My first attempt was to do exactly what the problem suggests: try all the possibilities. Of course I ran into TLE (Time Limit Exceeded) since we're talking about O(2^100000).  Reading the hints and some comments, it was clear that the strategy should be a little inverse of what the problem is asking: instead of looking for the extremes summing up to X, we should be looking for the longest sub-array adding up to Sum(Array) - X . Basically if you find that array, the answer will be straightforward (len of the array - len of the longest sub-array adding up to Sum(Array) - X). Now to find the longest sub-array adding up to a certain number N, one can use the two pointers approach (left and right) in a sliding window. That's actually linear time and space. But to be honest I'd have never had...

Don't overthink: just cache it

I still feel that a lot of times programmers overthink solutions too much.  They think about a complex algorithm to save few bytes when a simpler one with a little bit of extra memory would do the job just fine. They think about building ML models when a simple rule-based approach would do the job just fine. They think about building solutions that will solve the world's hunger problem - honorable, but honestly it would be better for everyone if they just focused on solving the smaller problem first. A rule of thumb that works in many more cases than you might imagine is this: Check this problem out:   1650. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III Medium 5 2 Add to List Share Given two nodes of a binary tree  p  and  q , return  their lowest common ancestor (LCA) . Each node will have a reference to its parent node. The definition for  Node  is belo...

Dynamic Programming for Counting Vowels

This is an interesting problem: 1641. Count Sorted Vowel Strings Medium 85 2 Add to List Share Given an integer  n , return  the number of strings of length  n  that consist only of vowels ( a ,  e ,  i ,  o ,  u ) and are  lexicographically sorted . A string  s  is  lexicographically sorted  if for all valid  i ,  s[i]  is the same as or comes before  s[i+1]  in the alphabet.   Example 1: Input: n = 1 Output: 5 Explanation: The 5 sorted strings that consist of vowels only are ["a","e","i","o","u"]. Example 2: Input: n = 2 Output: 15 Explanation: The 15 sorted strings that consist of vowels only are ["aa","ae","ai","ao","au","ee","ei","eo","eu","ii","io","iu","oo","ou","uu"]. Note that "ea" is not a valid string si...