Sometimes it is easier to solve the inverse of the problem

I thought this problem was very tricky - I had to read the hints and even spy at some comments to see how to tackle it:

My first attempt was to do exactly what the problem suggests: try all the possibilities. Of course I ran into TLE (Time Limit Exceeded) since we're talking about O(2^100000). 

Reading the hints and some comments, it was clear that the strategy should be a little inverse of what the problem is asking: instead of looking for the extremes summing up to X, we should be looking for the longest sub-array adding up to Sum(Array) - X. Basically if you find that array, the answer will be straightforward (len of the array - len of the longest sub-array adding up to Sum(Array) - X).

Now to find the longest sub-array adding up to a certain number N, one can use the two pointers approach (left and right) in a sliding window. That's actually linear time and space. But to be honest I'd have never had that insight... code is below, cheers, ACC.

public int MinOperations(int[] nums, int x)
    if (x > nums.Sum()) return -1;
    if (x == nums.Sum()) return nums.Length;

    int target = nums.Sum() - x;
    int longestPath = 0;
    int left = 0;
    int right = 0;
    int currentSum = nums[left];

    while (left < nums.Length && right < nums.Length)
        if (currentSum <= target)
            if(currentSum == target) longestPath = Math.Max(longestPath, right - left + 1);
            if (right < nums.Length) currentSum += nums[right];
            currentSum -= nums[left];

    if (longestPath == 0) return -1;
    return nums.Length - longestPath;


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