Access Time: HashTables and SortedLists

Not a complicated problem: parse the given list, create a hash table mapping each employee to a list of sorted times. Calculate the time in minutes. Be careful with the conflicts in the sorted list (keys need to be unique, use any approach to guarantee that, you can see here). Then for each employee check if time[index+2] - time[index] satisfies the criteria. Code is down below, cheers, ACC.

You are given a 2D 0-indexed array of strings, access_times, with size n. For each i where 0 <= i <= n - 1access_times[i][0] represents the name of an employee, and access_times[i][1] represents the access time of that employee. All entries in access_times are within the same day.

The access time is represented as four digits using a 24-hour time format, for example, "0800" or "2250".

An employee is said to be high-access if he has accessed the system three or more times within a one-hour period.

Times with exactly one hour of difference are not considered part of the same one-hour period. For example, "0815" and "0915" are not part of the same one-hour period.

Access times at the start and end of the day are not counted within the same one-hour period. For example, "0005" and "2350" are not part of the same one-hour period.

Return a list that contains the names of high-access employees with any order you want.


Example 1:

Input: access_times = [["a","0549"],["b","0457"],["a","0532"],["a","0621"],["b","0540"]]
Output: ["a"]
Explanation: "a" has three access times in the one-hour period of [05:32, 06:31] which are 05:32, 05:49, and 06:21.
But "b" does not have more than two access times at all.
So the answer is ["a"].

Example 2:

Input: access_times = [["d","0002"],["c","0808"],["c","0829"],["e","0215"],["d","1508"],["d","1444"],["d","1410"],["c","0809"]]
Output: ["c","d"]
Explanation: "c" has three access times in the one-hour period of [08:08, 09:07] which are 08:08, 08:09, and 08:29.
"d" has also three access times in the one-hour period of [14:10, 15:09] which are 14:10, 14:44, and 15:08.
However, "e" has just one access time, so it can not be in the answer and the final answer is ["c","d"].

Example 3:

Input: access_times = [["cd","1025"],["ab","1025"],["cd","1046"],["cd","1055"],["ab","1124"],["ab","1120"]]
Output: ["ab","cd"]
Explanation: "ab" has three access times in the one-hour period of [10:25, 11:24] which are 10:25, 11:20, and 11:24.
"cd" has also three access times in the one-hour period of [10:25, 11:24] which are 10:25, 10:46, and 10:55.
So the answer is ["ab","cd"].



  • 1 <= access_times.length <= 100
  • access_times[i].length == 2
  • 1 <= access_times[i][0].length <= 10
  • access_times[i][0] consists only of English small letters.
  • access_times[i][1].length == 4
  • access_times[i][1] is in 24-hour time format.
  • access_times[i][1] consists only of '0' to '9'.

public IList FindHighAccessEmployees(IList> access_times)
    Hashtable employeeToSortedTimes = new Hashtable();

    foreach (List access_time in access_times)
        string employee = access_time[0];
        string time = access_time[1];

        int nTime = Convert.ToInt32(time.Substring(0, 2)) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(time.Substring(2));
        if (!employeeToSortedTimes.ContainsKey(employee)) employeeToSortedTimes.Add(employee, new SortedList());
        SortedList listTime = (SortedList)employeeToSortedTimes[employee];
        int value = nTime;
        while (listTime.ContainsKey(nTime)) nTime++;
        listTime.Add(nTime, value);

    List retVal = new List();
    foreach (string employee in employeeToSortedTimes.Keys)
        SortedList listTime = (SortedList)employeeToSortedTimes[employee];
        for (int i = 0; i < listTime.Count - 2; i++)
            if (listTime.ElementAt(i + 2).Value - listTime.ElementAt(i).Value < 60)

    return retVal;


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