Advent of Code - Day 6, 2024: BFS and FSM
To solve this Advent of Code (parts 1 and 2), I used Breadth-First Search (BFS) to keep moving the guard as well as Finite State Machine (FSM) to control the directions. This solves part 1 easily. Part 2 can be solved using the same technique, takes a little longer since you need to try every empty cell, but it eventually does the trick (takes a min or so). Code is down below, cheers, ACC.
using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; Process2(); void Process() { string fileName = "input.txt"; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); StreamReader sr = fileInfo.OpenText(); Listmap = new List (); int startRow = 0; int startCol = 0; while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine().Trim(); map.Add(new StringBuilder(line)); int indexStart = line.IndexOf('^'); if (indexStart >= 0) { startRow = map.Count - 1; startCol = indexStart; } } sr.Close(); int retVal = ProcessExitMap(map, startRow, startCol); Console.WriteLine(retVal); } void Process2() { string fileName = "input.txt"; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); StreamReader sr = fileInfo.OpenText(); List map = new List (); int startRow = 0; int startCol = 0; while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine().Trim(); map.Add(new StringBuilder(line)); int indexStart = line.IndexOf('^'); if (indexStart >= 0) { startRow = map.Count - 1; startCol = indexStart; } } sr.Close(); int retVal = 0; for (int row = 0; row < map.Count; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < map[row].Length; col++) { if (map[row][col] == '.') { map[row][col] = '#'; if (ProcessExitMap(map, startRow, startCol) == -1) retVal++; map[row][col] = '.'; } } } Console.WriteLine(retVal); } void PrintMap(List map, int guardRow, int guardCol) { for (int row = 0; row < map.Count; row++) { for(int col = 0; col < map[row].Length;col++) { if (row == guardRow && col == guardCol) { Console.Write("@"); } else { Console.Write(map[row][col]); } } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.ReadLine(); } int ProcessExitMap(List map, int startRow, int startCol) { Queue queue = new Queue (); HashSet visited = new HashSet (); MapCell initialCell = new MapCell(startRow, startCol, 1, "up"); queue.Enqueue(initialCell); visited.Add(initialCell.key); HashSet distinctPositionsVisited = new HashSet (); while (queue.Count > 0) { MapCell currentCell = queue.Dequeue(); //Console.WriteLine("DISTINCT POSITIONS: {0}", distinctPositionsVisited.Count); //PrintMap(map, currentCell.row, currentCell.col); if (currentCell.row < 0 || currentCell.row >= map.Count || currentCell.col < 0 || currentCell.col >= map[startRow].Length) { //Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine("FOUND: {0}", distinctPositionsVisited.Count); return distinctPositionsVisited.Count; } string position = currentCell.row.ToString() + "@" + currentCell.col.ToString(); if(!distinctPositionsVisited.Contains(position)) distinctPositionsVisited.Add(position); int newRow = 0; int newCol = 0; string newDirection = ""; switch (currentCell.direction) { case "up": if (currentCell.row - 1 >= 0 && map[currentCell.row - 1][currentCell.col] == '#') { newRow = currentCell.row; newCol = currentCell.col; newDirection = "right"; MapCell newCell = new MapCell(newRow, newCol, currentCell.numberSteps, newDirection); queue.Enqueue(newCell); } else { newRow = currentCell.row - 1; newCol = currentCell.col; newDirection = "up"; MapCell newCell = new MapCell(newRow, newCol, currentCell.numberSteps + 1, newDirection); if (!visited.Contains(newCell.key)) { queue.Enqueue(newCell); visited.Add(newCell.key); } } break; case "down": if (currentCell.row + 1 < map.Count && map[currentCell.row + 1][currentCell.col] == '#') { newRow = currentCell.row; newCol = currentCell.col; newDirection = "left"; MapCell newCell = new MapCell(newRow, newCol, currentCell.numberSteps, newDirection); queue.Enqueue(newCell); } else { newRow = currentCell.row + 1; newCol = currentCell.col; newDirection = "down"; MapCell newCell = new MapCell(newRow, newCol, currentCell.numberSteps + 1, newDirection); if (!visited.Contains(newCell.key)) { queue.Enqueue(newCell); visited.Add(newCell.key); } } break; case "right": if (currentCell.col + 1 < map[currentCell.row].Length && map[currentCell.row][currentCell.col + 1] == '#') { newRow = currentCell.row; newCol = currentCell.col; newDirection = "down"; MapCell newCell = new MapCell(newRow, newCol, currentCell.numberSteps, newDirection); queue.Enqueue(newCell); } else { newRow = currentCell.row; newCol = currentCell.col + 1; newDirection = "right"; MapCell newCell = new MapCell(newRow, newCol, currentCell.numberSteps + 1, newDirection); if (!visited.Contains(newCell.key)) { queue.Enqueue(newCell); visited.Add(newCell.key); } } break; case "left": if (currentCell.col - 1 >= 0 && map[currentCell.row][currentCell.col - 1] == '#') { newRow = currentCell.row; newCol = currentCell.col; newDirection = "up"; MapCell newCell = new MapCell(newRow, newCol, currentCell.numberSteps, newDirection); queue.Enqueue(newCell); } else { newRow = currentCell.row; newCol = currentCell.col - 1; newDirection = "left"; MapCell newCell = new MapCell(newRow, newCol, currentCell.numberSteps + 1, newDirection); if (!visited.Contains(newCell.key)) { queue.Enqueue(newCell); visited.Add(newCell.key); } } break; } } return -1; } class MapCell { public int row = 0; public int col = 0; public int numberSteps = 0; public string direction = ""; public string key = ""; public MapCell(int row, int col, int numberSteps, string direction) { this.row = row; this.col = col; this.numberSteps = numberSteps; this.direction = direction; this.key = row.ToString() + "@" + col.ToString() + "@" + direction.ToString(); } }
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