LeetCode Hard Problem: Basic Calculator III
Problem is here: https://leetcode.com/problems/basic-calculator-iii/description/
Now given the number of submissions and acceptances, this is definitely not a super trivial problem:
Now since I had some ExpressionEvaluation code hanging around, I reused the code with some few modifications:
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string.
The expression string may contain open
and closing parentheses )
, the plus +
or minus sign -
, non-negative integers and empty spaces
The expression string contains only non-negative integers,
, -
, *
, /
operators , open (
and closing parentheses )
and empty spaces
. The integer division should truncate toward zero.
You may assume that the given expression is always valid.
Some examples:
"1 + 1" = 2 " 6-4 / 2 " = 4 "2*(5+5*2)/3+(6/2+8)" = 21 "(2+6* 3+5- (3*14/7+2)*5)+3"=-12
Now given the number of submissions and acceptances, this is definitely not a super trivial problem:
Now since I had some ExpressionEvaluation code hanging around, I reused the code with some few modifications:
- Keep it to basic operations only
- Remove spaces from the expression
- Change the data type during the evaluation to BigInteger. That way you avoid over/underflow partial calculations. In the very end, cast the result back to Integer
And that's it! Code is down below, cheers, Marcelo
public class Solution
public int Calculate(string s)
BigInteger retVal = 0;
ExpressionEvaluation(RemoveSpaces(s), out retVal);
return (int)retVal;
private string RemoveSpaces(string s)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return s;
string retVal = "";
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
if (s[i] != ' ') retVal += s[i].ToString();
return retVal;
private bool ExpressionEvaluation(string expression,
out BigInteger result)
result = 0;
if (expression == null)
return false;
if (expression.Trim().Length == 0)
return true;
if (BigInteger.TryParse(expression, out result))
return true;
if (expression.Length > 2 &&
expression.StartsWith("(") &&
expression.EndsWith(")") &&
IsWellFormedBrackets(expression.Substring(1, expression.Length - 2)))
return ExpressionEvaluation(expression.Substring(1, expression.Length - 2), out result);
char[] operators = new char[] { '+', '-', '*', '/' };
foreach (char op in operators)
int bracketsCount = 0;
for (int i = expression.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (expression[i] == '(')
else if (expression[i] == ')')
if (expression[i] == op &&
bracketsCount == 0)
BigInteger value1 = 0;
BigInteger value2 = 0;
string part1 = "";
string part2 = "";
if (i > 0)
part1 = expression.Substring(0, i);
if (i + 1 < expression.Length)
part2 = expression.Substring(i + 1);
if (!ExpressionEvaluation(part1, out value1))
return false;
if (!ExpressionEvaluation(part2, out value2))
return false;
switch (op)
case '+':
result = value1 + value2;
case '-':
result = value1 - value2;
case '*':
result = value1 * value2;
case '/':
if (value2 == 0)
return false;
result = value1 / value2;
return true;
return false;
private static bool IsWellFormedBrackets(string expression)
if (expression == null ||
expression.Trim().Length == 0)
return true;
int bracketsCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < expression.Length; i++)
if (expression[i] == '(')
else if (expression[i] == ')')
if (bracketsCount < 0)
return false;
return bracketsCount == 0;
very nice, Marcelo! I decided to use a different way of solving this problem by reducing it to a much simpler problem of evaluating an expression defined in postfix form. In order to do this, we just need to convert an infix form to a postfix form and fortunately Dijkstra, as always, invented an awesome algorithm to do just that and it's called shunting yard algorithm. What I like about this solution is that the problem is nicely split into 2 much simpler ones and it also works very well for evaluating expressions with variables, since we don't have to re-parse the entire expression every time in order to evaluate it. As always, my convoluted solution below:
ReplyDeleteclass Solution {
int operator_precedence(char op) {
if (op == '(') return 1;
if (op == '+' || op == '-') return 2;
return 3; // * or /
vector parse(const string& text) {
stack operators;
vector tokens;
int i = 0;
while (i < text.size()) {
if (text[i] == ' ') {
i += 1;
} else if (text[i] == '(') {
} else if (text[i] == ')') {
while (operators.top() != '(') {
tokens.emplace_back(1, operators.top());
i += 1;
} else if (isdigit(text[i])) {
int start = i++;
while (i < text.size() && isdigit(text[i])) { i += 1; }
tokens.emplace_back(text.substr(start, i - start));
} else {
while (!operators.empty() && operator_precedence(operators.top()) >= operator_precedence(text[i])) {
tokens.emplace_back(1, operators.top());
while (!operators.empty()) {
tokens.emplace_back(1, operators.top());
return tokens;
function to_function(char op) {
switch (op) {
case '+': return plus();
case '-': return minus();
case '/': return divides();
case '*': return multiplies();
long evaluate(const vector& tokens) {
stack operands;
for (const string& token: tokens) {
if (isdigit(token.front())) {
} else {
auto func = to_function(token.front());
long operand_2 = operands.top(); operands.pop();
long operand_1 = operands.top(); operands.pop();
operands.push(func(operand_1, operand_2));
return operands.top();
int calculate(const string& text) {
if (text.empty()) return 0;
const auto& tokens = parse(text);
return evaluate(tokens);
what (const string& text) even mean?
DeleteCan't you just convert it to leetcode format? Thanks!
public int Calculate(string s)
BigInteger retVal = 0;
ExpressionEvaluation(RemoveSpaces(s), out retVal);
return (int)retVal;
(const string& text) means that it's a C++ and it's in leetcode format ;)