An example of usage of a Trie data structure

This is the solution to problem I found this problem to be a little complicated, and although the code below solves it I’m inclined to believe this isn’t the most optimal code. There are several techniques worth-mentioning in the solution to this problem: first, the use of a Trie data structure to represent the words in the dictionary. Notice that a Trie is nothing but a tree with each node having potentially multiple child nodes. It is usually a very sparse tree, though. Use the same technique of building a tree: start with a private Node class, and go from there. The use of hashtables come very handy in building the Trie. Next, write a (non-recursive) function to detect whether a certain word belongs to the dictionary, if so return the cumulative probability for that word (or -1 if the word isn’t there). Finally, you’ll need to write some (recursive) code to generate the potential permutations given a sequence of digits. Because you don’t know a priori which combination will yield the highest probability there seems to be a need to generate them all (with a quick optimization along the way: if at some point you found a “MANUAL” prefix, cut the search down. Mathematically, if there isn’t a path in the tree for the prefix P, then there won’t be a path in the tree for any prefix P+<anystring>).


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace T9
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0)
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(args[0]);
            StreamReader sr = fi.OpenText();
            int numberOfScenarios = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine());
            for (int iScenario = 0; iScenario < numberOfScenarios; iScenario++)
                WordsDictionaryTrie wordsTrie = new WordsDictionaryTrie();
                int numberOfWordsInDictionary = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine());
                for (int iWord = 0; iWord < numberOfWordsInDictionary; iWord++)
                    string[] lineParts = sr.ReadLine().Split(' ');
                    string word = lineParts[0];
                    int probability = Convert.ToInt32(lineParts[1]);
                    wordsTrie.AddWord(word, probability);
                Console.WriteLine("Scenario #{0}:", iScenario+1);
                int numberOfSequencesOfDigits = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine());
                for (int iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberOfSequencesOfDigits; iSequence++)
                    string sequenceOfDigits = sr.ReadLine();
        static void Usage()
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: T9.exe <input file>");
            Console.WriteLine("For more info visit");

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
namespace T9
    class WordsDictionaryTrie
        class Node
            public char letter;
            public int probabilityWordEnding;
            public Hashtable htNextNodes;
            private Node() { }
            public Node(char letter,
                        int probabilityWordEnding)
                this.letter = letter;
                this.probabilityWordEnding = probabilityWordEnding;
                this.htNextNodes = null;
        private Node root;
        private Hashtable wordsAlreadyPrinted;
        public WordsDictionaryTrie()
            this.root = new Node('*',
            this.wordsAlreadyPrinted = new Hashtable();
        public void AddWord(string word,
                            int probability)
        private void _AddWord(Node currentNode,
                              string word,
                              int currentPosition,
                              int probability)
            if (currentNode == null ||
                currentPosition >= word.Length ||
                word == null ||
                word.Length == 0)
            if (currentNode.htNextNodes == null)
                currentNode.htNextNodes = new Hashtable();
            if (!currentNode.htNextNodes.ContainsKey(word[currentPosition]))
                Node newNode = new Node(word[currentPosition],
            currentNode = (Node)currentNode.htNextNodes[word[currentPosition]];
            currentNode.probabilityWordEnding += probability;
                     currentPosition + 1,
        public void PrintT9Words(string sequenceOfDigits)
            if (sequenceOfDigits == null)
            Hashtable htNumberKeys = new Hashtable();
            htNumberKeys.Add('2', "abc");
            htNumberKeys.Add('3', "def");
            htNumberKeys.Add('4', "ghi");
            htNumberKeys.Add('5', "jkl");
            htNumberKeys.Add('6', "mno");
            htNumberKeys.Add('7', "pqrs");
            htNumberKeys.Add('8', "tuv");
            htNumberKeys.Add('9', "wxyz");
            bool prefixDoesNotExist = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < sequenceOfDigits.Length - 1; i++)
                string prefixedSequence = sequenceOfDigits.Substring(0, i + 1);
                string bestWord = "";
                int bestProbability = Int32.MinValue;
                if (!prefixDoesNotExist)
                    _GetWordWithBestProbability(ref htNumberKeys,
                                                ref bestWord,
                                                ref bestProbability);
                if (bestWord == "")
                    prefixDoesNotExist = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} (debugging: overall prefix probability = {1})", bestWord, bestProbability);
        private string _CompareStringsAlphabeticalOrder(string s1,
                                                        string s2)
            if (s1 == null ||
                s2 == null)
                return null;
            int minLen = Math.Min(s1.Length,
            for (int i = 0; i < minLen; i++)
                if (s1[i] < s2[i])
                    return s1;
                if (s2[i] < s1[i])
                    return s2;
            if (s1.Length < s2.Length)
                return s1;
                return s2;
        private void _GetWordWithBestProbability(ref Hashtable htNumberKeys,
                                                 string sequenceOfDigits,
                                                 int currentPosition,
                                                 string currentWord,
                                                 ref string bestWord,
                                                 ref int bestProbability)
            if (currentPosition >= sequenceOfDigits.Length)
                int currentProbability = _GetWordProbability(currentWord);
                if (currentProbability != -1 &&
                    currentProbability > bestProbability)
                    bestProbability = currentProbability;
                    bestWord = currentWord;
                else if (currentProbability == bestProbability)
                    bestWord = _CompareStringsAlphabeticalOrder(bestWord, currentWord);
            if (htNumberKeys.ContainsKey(sequenceOfDigits[currentPosition]))
                string mappedLetters = (string)htNumberKeys[sequenceOfDigits[currentPosition]];
                foreach (char mappedLetter in mappedLetters)
                    _GetWordWithBestProbability(ref htNumberKeys,
                                                currentPosition + 1,
                                                currentWord + mappedLetter.ToString(),
                                                ref bestWord,
                                                ref bestProbability);
        private int _GetWordProbability(string word)
            int probability = -1;
            if (word == null)
                return probability;
            Node currentNode = this.root;
            for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++)
                if (currentNode.htNextNodes != null &&
                    Node nextNode = (Node)currentNode.htNextNodes[word[i]];
                    if (probability == -1)
                        probability = nextNode.probabilityWordEnding;
                        probability += nextNode.probabilityWordEnding;
                    currentNode = nextNode;
                    probability = -1;
            return probability;

Here is the output from the code above for the sample input:

Scenario #1:
i (debugging: overall prefix probability = 8)
id (debugging: overall prefix probability = 16)
hel (debugging: overall prefix probability = 21)
hell (debugging: overall prefix probability = 28)
hello (debugging: overall prefix probability = 32)

i (debugging: overall prefix probability = 8)
id (debugging: overall prefix probability = 16)
ide (debugging: overall prefix probability = 24)
idea (debugging: overall prefix probability = 32)

Scenario #2:
p (debugging: overall prefix probability = 4)
pr (debugging: overall prefix probability = 8)
pro (debugging: overall prefix probability = 12)
prog (debugging: overall prefix probability = 16)
progr (debugging: overall prefix probability = 20)
progra (debugging: overall prefix probability = 24)
program (debugging: overall prefix probability = 28)

n (debugging: overall prefix probability = 14)
ne (debugging: overall prefix probability = 28)
new (debugging: overall prefix probability = 42)

g (debugging: overall prefix probability = 13)
in (debugging: overall prefix probability = 12)
int (debugging: overall prefix probability = 18)

c (debugging: overall prefix probability = 6)
co (debugging: overall prefix probability = 12)
con (debugging: overall prefix probability = 18)
cont (debugging: overall prefix probability = 24)
anoth (debugging: overall prefix probability = 25)
anothe (debugging: overall prefix probability = 30)
another (debugging: overall prefix probability = 35)

p (debugging: overall prefix probability = 4)
pr (debugging: overall prefix probability = 8)


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