Upside-Down Tree - Part 2 of 2

Apart from the O(nlogn) solution, the three solutions shown below are all O(n)-time and O(n)-space. They all have pros and cons:

1) Use a priority queue: the idea is similar to a BFS but instead of using a regular queue use a priority queue. To enqueue the elements use DFS. Make sure that the lower nodes have higher priority than the upper nodes. There is some weird calculation that needs to happen in order to ensure the elements are printed in the right order (say left to right), hence due to that I don't personally recommend this solution.

2) Revert the tree. This is a fun solution because you get to revert the pointers of the tree and then do a simple BFS. The reversion is a neat way to handle the pointers of the tree (btw, you need a DFS for that). The drawback is the alteration of the tree structure.

3) Use a queue and stack. This to me is an elegant solution: do a BFS just like if you were to going to print the tree level by level. Instead of printing, though, push into a stack. After that, simply traverse the stack and print the elements. Bonus points for not needing recursion (the other ones you don't necessarily need recursion either, but the solution here in (3) is straight up non recursively).

Code is below, hope you enjoy! MDB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections;

namespace PrintTreeUpSideDown
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
             *             1
             *       2               3
             *   4       5      6        7
             * a   b   c   d   e f     g   h

            Tree tree = new Tree('1');
            tree.left = new Tree('2');
            tree.right = new Tree('3');
            tree.left.left = new Tree('4');
            tree.left.right = new Tree('5');
            tree.right.left = new Tree('6');
            tree.right.right = new Tree('7');
            tree.left.left.left = new Tree('a');
            tree.left.left.right = new Tree('b');
            tree.left.right.left = new Tree('c');
            tree.left.right.right = new Tree('d');
            tree.right.left.left = new Tree('e');
            tree.right.left.right = new Tree('f');
            tree.right.right.left = new Tree('g');
            tree.right.right.right = new Tree('h');

            Console.WriteLine("Solution based on Priority Queues:");


            Console.WriteLine("Solution based on Queue and Stack:");


            Console.WriteLine("Solution based on reversing the tree:");

        static void PrintUpSideDownTreeByReversing(Tree tree)
            LinkedList<Tree> listOfLeaves = new LinkedList<Tree>();

            RevertTree(null, tree, listOfLeaves);

            Queue queue = new Queue();
            foreach (Tree leaf in listOfLeaves)
                QueuedItem qi = new QueuedItem();
                qi.tree = leaf;
                qi.level = 1;

            Hashtable htVisitedNode = new Hashtable();
            int currentLevel = -1;
            string spaces = "";
            while (queue.Count > 0)
                QueuedItem qi = (QueuedItem)queue.Dequeue();
                if (currentLevel == -1)
                    currentLevel = qi.level;
                    Console.Write("{0}{1} ", spaces, qi.tree.value);
                    spaces += "**";
                else if (qi.level != currentLevel)
                    spaces += "*";
                    currentLevel = qi.level;
                    Console.Write("{0}{1} ", spaces, qi.tree.value);
                    Console.Write("{0} ", qi.tree.value);

                if (qi.tree.right != null && !htVisitedNode.ContainsKey(qi.tree.right))
                    htVisitedNode.Add(qi.tree.right, true);
                    QueuedItem nqi = new QueuedItem();
                    nqi.tree = qi.tree.right;
                    nqi.level = qi.level + 1;

        static void RevertTree(Tree parentNode,
                               Tree currentNode, 
                               LinkedList<Tree> listOfLeaves)
            if (currentNode == null) return;

            if (currentNode.left == null && currentNode.right == null) //Leaf
                currentNode.right = parentNode;
                Tree tempLeft = currentNode.left;
                Tree tempRight = currentNode.right;

                currentNode.right = parentNode;
                currentNode.left = null;

                RevertTree(currentNode, tempLeft, listOfLeaves);
                RevertTree(currentNode, tempRight, listOfLeaves);

        static void PrintUpSideDownTreeWithStack(Tree tree)
            if (tree == null) return;

            Queue<QueuedItem> queue = new Queue<QueuedItem>();
            Stack<QueuedItem> stack = new Stack<QueuedItem>();

            QueuedItem qi = new QueuedItem();
            qi.tree = tree;
            qi.level = 1;

            while (queue.Count > 0)
                qi = (QueuedItem)queue.Dequeue();

                if (qi.tree.right != null)
                    QueuedItem nqi = new QueuedItem();
                    nqi.tree = qi.tree.right;
                    nqi.level = qi.level + 1;
                if (qi.tree.left != null)
                    QueuedItem nqi = new QueuedItem();
                    nqi.tree = qi.tree.left;
                    nqi.level = qi.level + 1;

            int currentLevel = -1;
            string spaces = "";
            while (stack.Count > 0)
                qi = (QueuedItem)stack.Pop();
                if (currentLevel == -1)
                    currentLevel = qi.level;
                    Console.Write("{0}{1} ", spaces, qi.tree.value);
                    spaces += "..";
                else if (qi.level != currentLevel)
                    spaces += ".";
                    currentLevel = qi.level;
                    Console.Write("{0}{1} ", spaces, qi.tree.value);
                    Console.Write("{0} ", qi.tree.value);

        static void PrintUpSideDownTreeWithPriorityQueue(Tree tree)
            PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue(1000, true);
            int index = 1;
            AddTreeToPriorityQueue(tree, 1, ref index, pq);

            int currentLevel = -1;
            string spaces = "";
            while (pq.Count > 0)
                QueuedItem qi = (QueuedItem)pq.Dequeue();
                if (currentLevel == -1)
                    currentLevel = qi.level / 100;
                    Console.Write("{0}{1} ", spaces, qi.tree.value);
                    spaces += "  ";
                else if ((qi.level / 100) != currentLevel)
                    spaces += " ";
                    currentLevel = qi.level / 100;
                    Console.Write("{0}{1} ", spaces, qi.tree.value);
                    Console.Write("{0} ", qi.tree.value);

        static void AddTreeToPriorityQueue(Tree t, 
                                           int level,
                                           ref int index,
                                           PriorityQueue pq)
            if (t == null) return;

            QueuedItem qi = new QueuedItem();
            qi.tree = t;
            qi.level = level + index;
            pq.Enqueue(qi, qi.level);

            AddTreeToPriorityQueue(t.right, 100 * level, ref index, pq);

            AddTreeToPriorityQueue(t.left, 100 * level, ref index, pq);

    class QueuedItem
        public Tree tree = null;
        public int level = -1;

    class Tree
        public char value;
        public Tree left = null;
        public Tree right = null;

        public Tree(char value)
            this.value = value;
            this.left = null;
            this.right = null;

    /*By-the-book PriorityQueue*/
    public class PriorityQueue
        public struct HeapEntry
            private object item;
            private long priority;
            public HeapEntry(object item, long priority)
                this.item = item;
                this.priority = priority;
            public object Item
                    return item;
            public long Priority
                    return priority;

        private long count;
        private long capacity;
        private bool descending; //Means that the max element at the top
        private HeapEntry[] heap;

        public long Count
                return this.count;

        public PriorityQueue(long capacity, bool descending)
            this.capacity = capacity;
            this.descending = descending;
            heap = new HeapEntry[this.capacity];

        public object Dequeue()
            object result = heap[0].Item;
            trickleDown(0, heap[count]);
            return result;

        public void Enqueue(object item, long priority)
            bubbleUp(count - 1, new HeapEntry(item, priority));

        private void bubbleUp(long index, HeapEntry he)
            long parent = (index - 1) / 2;
            // note: (index > 0) means there is a parent
            while (
                   (index > 0) &&
                   ((this.descending && heap[parent].Priority < he.Priority) || (!this.descending && heap[parent].Priority > he.Priority))
                heap[index] = heap[parent];
                index = parent;
                parent = (index - 1) / 2;
            heap[index] = he;

        private void trickleDown(long index, HeapEntry he)
            long child = (index * 2) + 1;
            while (child < count)
                if (
                    ((child + 1) < count) &&
                    ((this.descending && heap[child].Priority < heap[child + 1].Priority) || (!this.descending && heap[child].Priority > heap[child + 1].Priority))
                heap[index] = heap[child];
                index = child;
                child = (index * 2) + 1;
            bubbleUp(index, he);


  1. Using a stack and a queue is my favorite solution too, but I prefer to not use explicit levels and using 2 queues - current and next - current is used for dequeuing and next is used for enqueuing. Once current queue gets empty, for regular BFS I would swap the queues, so that next now becomes a new current and new next is empty, but for this modified problem, I'd just push next into stack, so that in the end we just pop queues in the right order and print all of their elements. This solution would avoid using extra abstraction QueuedItem and would have less if statements, so my guess is that it would be slightly faster.

    Anyways, thanks for an interesting post!


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