Super Queen II
5 years ago I wrote about a hypothetical problem related to super queens in chess. You can see the original post here. This post starts with a traditional CS algorithmic problem: the 8-queens problem. The idea is to place 8 queens in a chess board with no two queens threatening each other. I wanted to go a little beyond and redo this problem but now with super queens. To recap, a super queen contains all the powers of a regular queen, but it also has the knight powers. Can it be done then? Can we have an 8-super queens problem solved? Let's see.
The idea is to use backtracking with tree pruning. But here is an interesting idea: all you need to solve this problem is actually 5 hash tables that will tell you which queens are dominating the following positions:
- The rows
- The columns
- The first diagonal
- The second diagonal
- And finally the fifth one, which is the tricky one, marks any square that it being attacked by any queen in a knight-like move.
The image below depicts this approach:
From that point on, regular backtracking solution. Notice that if you ignore hash table 5 the problem reduces to the 8-queens problem - I actually coded in such a way that you can either ask for a super-queens solution, or regular queens solution.
Finally to answer the question about the feasibility of a solution for the 8-super queens problem, the answer is no, there is no solution. The first N (where N is the dimensions of the board) which yields a valid solution for the N-super queens problem is 12, which has two solutions:
Due to the extra power of the queens, the board needs to be sparse enough in order to avoid the knight-like jump threat, hence the minimum N for which the sparseness of the board gives enough room for maneuver is 12. Code is down below - cheers, Marcelo.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace TheNSuperQueensProblemNS
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int n = 0;
if (args.Length != 2 ||
!Int32.TryParse(args[0], out n) ||
(!args[1].Equals("r", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && !args[1].Equals("s", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
Console.WriteLine("Usage: TheNSuperQueensProblem.exe <N - board dimension> <R - regular OR S - super queens>");
Solution solution = new Solution();
solution.TheNSuperQueensProblem(n, args[1].ToLower()[0]);
public class Solution
public void TheNSuperQueensProblem(int N, char mode)
Hashtable[] rowColDiags = new Hashtable[4];
for (int i = 0; i < rowColDiags.Length; i++) rowColDiags[i] = new Hashtable();
int numberOfSolutions = 0;
TheNSuperQueensProblemInternal(0, N, rowColDiags, new Hashtable(), ref numberOfSolutions, new Hashtable(), mode);
Console.WriteLine("Number of solutions for N={0}: {1}", N, numberOfSolutions);
private void TheNSuperQueensProblemInternal(int r,
int N,
Hashtable[] rowColDiags,
Hashtable solution,
ref int numberOfSolutions,
Hashtable knightMoves,
char mode)
if (r >= N)
PrintBoard(N, solution);
char letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen = (char)((int)'a' + r);
for (int c = 0; c < N; c++)
if (!rowColDiags[0].ContainsKey(r) &&
!rowColDiags[1].ContainsKey(c) &&
!rowColDiags[2].ContainsKey(r + c) &&
!rowColDiags[3].ContainsKey(r - c) &&
(mode == 'r' || CheckAndSetKnightMoves(r, c, N, knightMoves)))
rowColDiags[0].Add(r, letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen);
rowColDiags[1].Add(c, letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen);
rowColDiags[2].Add(r + c, letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen);
rowColDiags[3].Add(r - c, letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen);
solution.Add(r * N + c, Char.ToUpper(letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen));
TheNSuperQueensProblemInternal(r + 1, N, rowColDiags, solution, ref numberOfSolutions, knightMoves, mode);
solution.Remove(r * N + c);
rowColDiags[2].Remove(r + c);
rowColDiags[3].Remove(r - c);
RemoveKnightMoves(r, c, N, knightMoves);
private bool CheckAndSetKnightMoves(int r,
int c,
int N,
Hashtable knightMoves)
if (knightMoves.ContainsKey(r * N + c)) return false;
int[] possibleMovesRow = { r + 1, r + 1, r - 1, r - 1, r + 2, r + 2, r - 2, r - 2};
int[] possibleMovesCol = { c + 2, c - 2, c + 2, c - 2, c + 1, c - 1, c + 1, c - 1};
char letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen = (char)((int)'a' + r);
bool moveAllowed = true;
for (int i = 0; i < possibleMovesRow.Length; i++)
if (possibleMovesRow[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesRow[i] < N &&
possibleMovesCol[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesCol[i] < N &&
knightMoves.ContainsKey(possibleMovesRow[i] * N + possibleMovesCol[i]))
moveAllowed = false;
if (moveAllowed)
for (int i = 0; i < possibleMovesRow.Length; i++)
if (possibleMovesRow[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesRow[i] < N &&
possibleMovesCol[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesCol[i] < N)
knightMoves.Add(possibleMovesRow[i] * N + possibleMovesCol[i], letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen);
knightMoves.Add(r * N + c, Char.ToUpper(letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen));
return moveAllowed;
private void RemoveKnightMoves(int r,
int c,
int N,
Hashtable knightMoves)
int[] possibleMovesRow = { r + 1, r + 1, r - 1, r - 1, r + 2, r + 2, r - 2, r - 2 };
int[] possibleMovesCol = { c + 2, c - 2, c + 2, c - 2, c + 1, c - 1, c + 1, c - 1 };
for (int i = 0; i < possibleMovesRow.Length; i++)
if (possibleMovesRow[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesRow[i] < N &&
possibleMovesCol[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesCol[i] < N)
knightMoves.Remove(possibleMovesRow[i] * N + possibleMovesCol[i]);
knightMoves.Remove(r * N + c);
private void PrintBoard(int N,
Hashtable solution)
for (int r = 0; r < N; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < N; c++)
char placement = '.';
if (solution.ContainsKey(r * N + c))
placement = (char)solution[r * N + c];
Console.Write("{0} ", placement);
The idea is to use backtracking with tree pruning. But here is an interesting idea: all you need to solve this problem is actually 5 hash tables that will tell you which queens are dominating the following positions:
- The rows
- The columns
- The first diagonal
- The second diagonal
- And finally the fifth one, which is the tricky one, marks any square that it being attacked by any queen in a knight-like move.
The image below depicts this approach:
Finally to answer the question about the feasibility of a solution for the 8-super queens problem, the answer is no, there is no solution. The first N (where N is the dimensions of the board) which yields a valid solution for the N-super queens problem is 12, which has two solutions:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace TheNSuperQueensProblemNS
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int n = 0;
if (args.Length != 2 ||
!Int32.TryParse(args[0], out n) ||
(!args[1].Equals("r", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && !args[1].Equals("s", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
Console.WriteLine("Usage: TheNSuperQueensProblem.exe <N - board dimension> <R - regular OR S - super queens>");
Solution solution = new Solution();
solution.TheNSuperQueensProblem(n, args[1].ToLower()[0]);
public class Solution
public void TheNSuperQueensProblem(int N, char mode)
Hashtable[] rowColDiags = new Hashtable[4];
for (int i = 0; i < rowColDiags.Length; i++) rowColDiags[i] = new Hashtable();
int numberOfSolutions = 0;
TheNSuperQueensProblemInternal(0, N, rowColDiags, new Hashtable(), ref numberOfSolutions, new Hashtable(), mode);
Console.WriteLine("Number of solutions for N={0}: {1}", N, numberOfSolutions);
private void TheNSuperQueensProblemInternal(int r,
int N,
Hashtable[] rowColDiags,
Hashtable solution,
ref int numberOfSolutions,
Hashtable knightMoves,
char mode)
if (r >= N)
PrintBoard(N, solution);
char letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen = (char)((int)'a' + r);
for (int c = 0; c < N; c++)
if (!rowColDiags[0].ContainsKey(r) &&
!rowColDiags[1].ContainsKey(c) &&
!rowColDiags[2].ContainsKey(r + c) &&
!rowColDiags[3].ContainsKey(r - c) &&
(mode == 'r' || CheckAndSetKnightMoves(r, c, N, knightMoves)))
rowColDiags[0].Add(r, letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen);
rowColDiags[1].Add(c, letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen);
rowColDiags[2].Add(r + c, letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen);
rowColDiags[3].Add(r - c, letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen);
solution.Add(r * N + c, Char.ToUpper(letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen));
TheNSuperQueensProblemInternal(r + 1, N, rowColDiags, solution, ref numberOfSolutions, knightMoves, mode);
solution.Remove(r * N + c);
rowColDiags[2].Remove(r + c);
rowColDiags[3].Remove(r - c);
RemoveKnightMoves(r, c, N, knightMoves);
private bool CheckAndSetKnightMoves(int r,
int c,
int N,
Hashtable knightMoves)
if (knightMoves.ContainsKey(r * N + c)) return false;
int[] possibleMovesRow = { r + 1, r + 1, r - 1, r - 1, r + 2, r + 2, r - 2, r - 2};
int[] possibleMovesCol = { c + 2, c - 2, c + 2, c - 2, c + 1, c - 1, c + 1, c - 1};
char letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen = (char)((int)'a' + r);
bool moveAllowed = true;
for (int i = 0; i < possibleMovesRow.Length; i++)
if (possibleMovesRow[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesRow[i] < N &&
possibleMovesCol[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesCol[i] < N &&
knightMoves.ContainsKey(possibleMovesRow[i] * N + possibleMovesCol[i]))
moveAllowed = false;
if (moveAllowed)
for (int i = 0; i < possibleMovesRow.Length; i++)
if (possibleMovesRow[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesRow[i] < N &&
possibleMovesCol[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesCol[i] < N)
knightMoves.Add(possibleMovesRow[i] * N + possibleMovesCol[i], letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen);
knightMoves.Add(r * N + c, Char.ToUpper(letterAssociatedWithTheCurrentQueen));
return moveAllowed;
private void RemoveKnightMoves(int r,
int c,
int N,
Hashtable knightMoves)
int[] possibleMovesRow = { r + 1, r + 1, r - 1, r - 1, r + 2, r + 2, r - 2, r - 2 };
int[] possibleMovesCol = { c + 2, c - 2, c + 2, c - 2, c + 1, c - 1, c + 1, c - 1 };
for (int i = 0; i < possibleMovesRow.Length; i++)
if (possibleMovesRow[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesRow[i] < N &&
possibleMovesCol[i] >= 0 &&
possibleMovesCol[i] < N)
knightMoves.Remove(possibleMovesRow[i] * N + possibleMovesCol[i]);
knightMoves.Remove(r * N + c);
private void PrintBoard(int N,
Hashtable solution)
for (int r = 0; r < N; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < N; c++)
char placement = '.';
if (solution.ContainsKey(r * N + c))
placement = (char)solution[r * N + c];
Console.Write("{0} ", placement);
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