Max Number of Coins, by Zillow
Question today comes from Daily Coding Problem, from Zillow:
This question was asked by Zillow.
You are given a 2-d matrix where each cell represents
number of coins in that cell. Assuming we start at matrix[0][0], and can only
move right or down, find the maximum number of coins you can collect by the
bottom right corner.
For example, in this matrix
0 3 1 1
2 0 0 4
1 5 3 1
The most we can collect is 0 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 1 = 12
This is another typical DP problem: it will require
O(n)-space to hold the best sums per cell, but the time complexity will be
linear, that’s usually the trade-off. The analogy with recursion that I always
like to use is to structure the code in terms of Base Case + Construction for
DP, instead of Base Case + Induction for Recursion. The solution is in the
bottom right corner cell. Works well, code is checked-in on Github (
and down below, thanks, Marcelo.
public int MaxNumberCoins(int[,] matrix)
if (matrix == null) return 0;
int R = matrix.GetLength(0);
int C = matrix.GetLength(1);
int[,] dp = new int[R, C];
dp[0, 0] = matrix[0, 0];
for (int c = 1; c < C; c++) dp[0, c] = dp[0, c - 1] + matrix[0, c];
for (int r = 1; r < R; r++) dp[r, 0] = dp[r - 1, 0] + matrix[r, 0];
for (int r = 1; r < R; r++)
for (int c = 1; c < C; c++)
dp[r, c] = Math.Max(dp[r - 1, c], dp[r, c - 1]) + matrix[r, c];
return dp[R - 1, C - 1];
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