Sorting, and why the numbers are distinct!
The description of problems always brings important information - it is rare that an information inside the problem description doesn't add any value. For instance, in this problem all the scores are unique. This is done so that you can create a unique mapping score --> row which can be used to reconstruct the matrix after the sorting is completed. Hence you can complete the task in O(row*col + row*log(row))-time and O(row*col)-space. Code is down below, cheers, ACC.
There is a class with m
students and n
exams. You are given a 0-indexed m x n
integer matrix score
, where each row represents one student and score[i][j]
denotes the score the ith
student got in the jth
exam. The matrix score
contains distinct integers only.
You are also given an integer k
. Sort the students (i.e., the rows of the matrix) by their scores in the kth
(0-indexed) exam from the highest to the lowest.
Return the matrix after sorting it.
Example 1:
Input: score = [[10,6,9,1],[7,5,11,2],[4,8,3,15]], k = 2 Output: [[7,5,11,2],[10,6,9,1],[4,8,3,15]] Explanation: In the above diagram, S denotes the student, while E denotes the exam. - The student with index 1 scored 11 in exam 2, which is the highest score, so they got first place. - The student with index 0 scored 9 in exam 2, which is the second highest score, so they got second place. - The student with index 2 scored 3 in exam 2, which is the lowest score, so they got third place.
Example 2:
Input: score = [[3,4],[5,6]], k = 0 Output: [[5,6],[3,4]] Explanation: In the above diagram, S denotes the student, while E denotes the exam. - The student with index 1 scored 5 in exam 0, which is the highest score, so they got first place. - The student with index 0 scored 3 in exam 0, which is the lowest score, so they got second place.
m == score.length
n == score[i].length
1 <= m, n <= 250
1 <= score[i][j] <= 105
consists of distinct integers.0 <= k < n
public int[][] SortTheStudents(int[][] score, int k) { int[][] retVal = new int[score.Length][]; Hashtable htScoreToRow = new Hashtable(); int[] kScores = new int[score.Length]; for (int r = 0; r < score.Length; r++) { htScoreToRow.Add(score[r][k], r); kScores[r] = score[r][k]; retVal[r] = new int[score[r].Length]; } Array.Sort(kScores); for (int r = 0; r < kScores.Length; r++) { int row = (int)htScoreToRow[kScores[kScores.Length - r - 1]]; for (int c = 0; c < score[r].Length; c++) { retVal[r][c] = score[row][c]; } } return retVal; }
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