Smells like Dijkstra's Algorithm
If a solution to a problem smells like Dijkstra's Algorithm, chances are it is one. Take a look at the problem described here: In essence, you're given a matrix (I call it a maze) and with a very strict rule to moving around, you have to find the max path from the top leftmost cell to the bottom rightmost one. The solution given in the link is a very elegant DM (Dynamic Programming) one. There is also a brute-force one which we won't get into. But I actually wanted to use this problem to exemplify the application of Dijkstra's Algorithm. It is a little overkill to use Dijkstra here, but I find this problem the perfect simple one to exemplify Dijkstra's. Dijkstra's Algorithm is a weighted BFS (breadth-first search). One needs to make use of a Priority Queue (PQ) class (down below). The overall idea of Dijkstra's is the following:
Code is below (the program and the PQ). Leads to the same answer: 53.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
namespace MaxValueGifts
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int[,] maze = {
{1, 10, 3, 8},
{12, 2, 9, 6},
{5, 7, 4, 11},
{3, 7, 16, 5}
Hashtable htVisited = new Hashtable();
PriorityQueue priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue(1000, true);
CellConnection cell = new CellConnection(-1, -1, 0, 0, maze[0,0]);
priorityQueue.Enqueue(cell, cell.allGifts);
bool found = false;
while (priorityQueue.Count > 0)
cell = (CellConnection)priorityQueue.Dequeue();
//If visited, ignore
int currentKey = GetKeyFromIndex(cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo, maze.GetLength(1));
htVisited.Add(currentKey, true);
if (cell.rowIndexTo == maze.GetLength(0) - 1 &&
cell.colIndexTo == maze.GetLength(1) - 1)
found = true;
int tempKey = 0;
if (cell.rowIndexTo + 1 < maze.GetLength(0))
tempKey = GetKeyFromIndex(cell.rowIndexTo + 1, cell.colIndexTo, maze.GetLength(1));
CellConnection toCell = new CellConnection(cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo, cell.rowIndexTo + 1, cell.colIndexTo, cell.allGifts + maze[cell.rowIndexTo + 1, cell.colIndexTo]);
if (!htVisited.ContainsKey(tempKey))
priorityQueue.Enqueue(toCell, toCell.allGifts);
if (cell.colIndexTo + 1 < maze.GetLength(1))
tempKey = GetKeyFromIndex(cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo + 1, maze.GetLength(1));
CellConnection toCell = new CellConnection(cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo, cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo + 1, cell.allGifts + maze[cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo + 1]);
if (!htVisited.ContainsKey(tempKey))
priorityQueue.Enqueue(toCell, toCell.allGifts);
if (found)
Console.WriteLine("Max gift: {0}", cell.allGifts);
static int GetKeyFromIndex(int row, int col, int MAXCOL)
return row * MAXCOL + col;
static void GetIndexFromKey(int key, int MAXCOL, out int row, out int col)
row = key / MAXCOL;
col = key % MAXCOL;
class CellConnection
public int rowIndexFrom = 0;
public int colIndexFrom = 0;
public int rowIndexTo = 0;
public int colIndexTo = 0;
public int allGifts = 0;
private CellConnection() { }
public CellConnection(int rowIndexFrom, int colIndexFrom, int rowIndexTo, int colIndexTo, int allGifts)
this.rowIndexFrom = rowIndexFrom;
this.colIndexFrom = colIndexFrom;
this.rowIndexTo = rowIndexTo;
this.colIndexTo = colIndexTo;
this.allGifts = allGifts;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MaxValueGifts
public class PriorityQueue
public struct HeapEntry
private object item;
private long priority;
public HeapEntry(object item, long priority)
this.item = item;
this.priority = priority;
public object Item
return item;
public long Priority
return priority;
private long count;
private long capacity;
private bool descending; //Means that the max element at the top
private HeapEntry[] heap;
public long Count
return this.count;
public PriorityQueue(long capacity, bool descending)
this.capacity = capacity;
this.descending = descending;
heap = new HeapEntry[this.capacity];
public object Dequeue()
object result = heap[0].Item;
trickleDown(0, heap[count]);
return result;
public void Enqueue(object item, long priority)
bubbleUp(count - 1, new HeapEntry(item, priority));
private void bubbleUp(long index, HeapEntry he)
long parent = (index - 1) / 2;
// note: (index > 0) means there is a parent
while (
(index > 0) &&
((this.descending && heap[parent].Priority < he.Priority) || (!this.descending && heap[parent].Priority > he.Priority))
heap[index] = heap[parent];
index = parent;
parent = (index - 1) / 2;
heap[index] = he;
private void trickleDown(long index, HeapEntry he)
long child = (index * 2) + 1;
while (child < count)
if (
((child + 1) < count) &&
((this.descending && heap[child].Priority < heap[child + 1].Priority) || (!this.descending && heap[child].Priority > heap[child + 1].Priority))
heap[index] = heap[child];
index = child;
child = (index * 2) + 1;
bubbleUp(index, he);
- Determine whether your PQ will work in ascending or descending order during the dequeue operation
- Use an auxiliary class to track the path
- Enqueue the very first element
- While the PQ isn't empty
- Dequeue
- If visited, ignore
- Mark as visited
- Check whether you reach the end goal ("Process")
- Walk (if not marked)
Code is below (the program and the PQ). Leads to the same answer: 53.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
namespace MaxValueGifts
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int[,] maze = {
{1, 10, 3, 8},
{12, 2, 9, 6},
{5, 7, 4, 11},
{3, 7, 16, 5}
Hashtable htVisited = new Hashtable();
PriorityQueue priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue(1000, true);
CellConnection cell = new CellConnection(-1, -1, 0, 0, maze[0,0]);
priorityQueue.Enqueue(cell, cell.allGifts);
bool found = false;
while (priorityQueue.Count > 0)
cell = (CellConnection)priorityQueue.Dequeue();
//If visited, ignore
int currentKey = GetKeyFromIndex(cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo, maze.GetLength(1));
htVisited.Add(currentKey, true);
if (cell.rowIndexTo == maze.GetLength(0) - 1 &&
cell.colIndexTo == maze.GetLength(1) - 1)
found = true;
int tempKey = 0;
if (cell.rowIndexTo + 1 < maze.GetLength(0))
tempKey = GetKeyFromIndex(cell.rowIndexTo + 1, cell.colIndexTo, maze.GetLength(1));
CellConnection toCell = new CellConnection(cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo, cell.rowIndexTo + 1, cell.colIndexTo, cell.allGifts + maze[cell.rowIndexTo + 1, cell.colIndexTo]);
if (!htVisited.ContainsKey(tempKey))
priorityQueue.Enqueue(toCell, toCell.allGifts);
if (cell.colIndexTo + 1 < maze.GetLength(1))
tempKey = GetKeyFromIndex(cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo + 1, maze.GetLength(1));
CellConnection toCell = new CellConnection(cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo, cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo + 1, cell.allGifts + maze[cell.rowIndexTo, cell.colIndexTo + 1]);
if (!htVisited.ContainsKey(tempKey))
priorityQueue.Enqueue(toCell, toCell.allGifts);
if (found)
Console.WriteLine("Max gift: {0}", cell.allGifts);
static int GetKeyFromIndex(int row, int col, int MAXCOL)
return row * MAXCOL + col;
static void GetIndexFromKey(int key, int MAXCOL, out int row, out int col)
row = key / MAXCOL;
col = key % MAXCOL;
class CellConnection
public int rowIndexFrom = 0;
public int colIndexFrom = 0;
public int rowIndexTo = 0;
public int colIndexTo = 0;
public int allGifts = 0;
private CellConnection() { }
public CellConnection(int rowIndexFrom, int colIndexFrom, int rowIndexTo, int colIndexTo, int allGifts)
this.rowIndexFrom = rowIndexFrom;
this.colIndexFrom = colIndexFrom;
this.rowIndexTo = rowIndexTo;
this.colIndexTo = colIndexTo;
this.allGifts = allGifts;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MaxValueGifts
public class PriorityQueue
public struct HeapEntry
private object item;
private long priority;
public HeapEntry(object item, long priority)
this.item = item;
this.priority = priority;
public object Item
return item;
public long Priority
return priority;
private long count;
private long capacity;
private bool descending; //Means that the max element at the top
private HeapEntry[] heap;
public long Count
return this.count;
public PriorityQueue(long capacity, bool descending)
this.capacity = capacity;
this.descending = descending;
heap = new HeapEntry[this.capacity];
public object Dequeue()
object result = heap[0].Item;
trickleDown(0, heap[count]);
return result;
public void Enqueue(object item, long priority)
bubbleUp(count - 1, new HeapEntry(item, priority));
private void bubbleUp(long index, HeapEntry he)
long parent = (index - 1) / 2;
// note: (index > 0) means there is a parent
while (
(index > 0) &&
((this.descending && heap[parent].Priority < he.Priority) || (!this.descending && heap[parent].Priority > he.Priority))
heap[index] = heap[parent];
index = parent;
parent = (index - 1) / 2;
heap[index] = he;
private void trickleDown(long index, HeapEntry he)
long child = (index * 2) + 1;
while (child < count)
if (
((child + 1) < count) &&
((this.descending && heap[child].Priority < heap[child + 1].Priority) || (!this.descending && heap[child].Priority > heap[child + 1].Priority))
heap[index] = heap[child];
index = child;
child = (index * 2) + 1;
bubbleUp(index, he);
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