Sliding Window Technique - Part 2
Crossing the 650 problems solved milestone today (weekends in covid-filled era are great for practicing algorithms)
Here is the 650th problem:
1461. Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K
Given a binary string s
and an integer k
Return True if any binary code of length k
is a substring of s
. Otherwise, return False.
Example 1:
Input: s = "00110110", k = 2 Output: true Explanation: The binary codes of length 2 are "00", "01", "10" and "11". They can be all found as substrings at indicies 0, 1, 3 and 2 respectively.
Example 2:
Input: s = "00110", k = 2 Output: true
Example 3:
Input: s = "0110", k = 1 Output: true Explanation: The binary codes of length 1 are "0" and "1", it is clear that both exist as a substring.
Example 4:
Input: s = "0110", k = 2 Output: false Explanation: The binary code "00" is of length 2 and doesn't exist in the array.
Example 5:
Input: s = "0000000001011100", k = 4 Output: false
1 <= s.length <= 5 * 10^5
consists of 0's and 1's only.1 <= k <= 20
At first it looks a little daunting - generate all the 2^k possibilities and look each one up on the string of len |s|? That would bring the total execution time to 2^k * |s|, which would be in the worst case 2^20 * 5 * 10^5, or this: 524,288,000,000. You don't want that.
Instead, use the Sliding Window technique as shown in a previous post: as you traverse the string, for each window of size k, take that sub-string and insert into a hash table. At the end, if the hash table contains 2^k entries, you should return true (false otherwise). Brings the complexity down to |s|, much more reasonable. Code is below, cheers, ACC.
public class Solution
public bool HasAllCodes(string s, int k)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return false;
Hashtable code = new Hashtable();
int target = (int)Math.Pow(2, k);
string c = "";
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
c += s[i].ToString();
if (i >= k)
c = c.Substring(1);
if (c.Length == k)
if (!code.ContainsKey(c))
code.Add(c, true);
if (code.Count == target) return true;
return code.Count == target;
Changing from Hashtable to HashSet and removing the if condition (if(!code.ContainsKey(c)) improved the runtime by 12% and reduced the memory consumption a little :)